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While these date changes are also noted on individual pen show pages, this page is to also show them all at a glance.
While these date changes are also noted on individual pen show pages, this page is to also show them all at a glance.
==North American Events==
==North American Events==
* '''[[Arkansas Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">OPEN</span>- This pen show remained open and on-schedule for March 13-15, after local state agencies reported no confirmed cases in the state during the week leading to the event.<ref>Instagram post on the official Arkansas page about state confirmed cases https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kWzXoDfR-/?igshid=1zptzxjly6ck</ref> Extra hand-washing was encouraged for participants through the weekend, with signs to remind vendors and attendees.<ref>Instagram post on the official Arkansas page with sign for handwashing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rgYx6j6f-/?igshid=123grxm44is9l</ref>  
* '''[[Arkansas Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">OPEN</span>- This pen show remained open and on-schedule for March 13-15, after local state agencies reported no confirmed cases in the state during the week leading to the event.<ref>Instagram post on the official Arkansas page about state confirmed cases https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kWzXoDfR-/</ref> Extra hand-washing was encouraged for participants through the weekend, with signs to remind vendors and attendees.<ref>Instagram post on the official Arkansas page with sign for handwashing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rgYx6j6f-/</ref>  
* '''[[Atlanta Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - The 2020 event was officially cancelled on the week of March 16, announced on Twitter and posted elsewhere.<ref>Twitter post announcing the cancellation of the Atlanta Pen Show https://twitter.com/AtlantaPenShow/status/1240331259441799173?s=20</ref> It would have been the event's 25th show, and held on April 3-5.
* '''[[Atlanta Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - The 2020 event was officially cancelled on the week of March 16, announced on Twitter and posted elsewhere.<ref>Twitter post announcing the cancellation of the Atlanta Pen Show https://twitter.com/AtlantaPenShow/status/1240331259441799173?s=20</ref> It would have been the event's 25th show, and held on April 3-5.
* '''[[Chicago Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED / POSTPONED</span> tentative: '''Sept. 10-13'''<br />The Chicago 2020 event has been postponed to later dates in response to changing situations in the US. Originally the show dates were moved from April 30-May 3 to the new date of June 11-14<ref>Instagram post from official Chicago page about first postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B92BNqmD3uo/?igshid=1a7wn79yizw1b</ref>. However, as confirmed cases kept increasing in the US, the show runners moved the dates to September 10-13 for safety of vendors and attendees.<ref>Instagram post from official Chicago page about second postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h7vpWjmv8/?igshid=r654vjbad9c9</ref>
* '''[[Chicago Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br />The Chicago 2020 event has been postponed to later dates in response to changing situations in the US. Originally the show dates were moved from April 30-May 3 to the new date of June 11-14<ref>Instagram post from official Chicago page about first postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B92BNqmD3uo/</ref>. However, as confirmed cases kept increasing in the US, the show runners moved the dates to September 10-13 for safety of vendors and attendees.<ref>Instagram post from official Chicago page about second postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h7vpWjmv8/</ref>. <br /> On July 1, the showrunners for the Chicago pen show joined a tandem announcement with the San Francisco and Dallas pen shows that their events would be cancelled this year<ref>FP Geeks tandem announcement:Chicago https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates</ref>.
* '''[[Triangle Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED / POSTPONED</span> - tentative: '''Aug 8-13'''<br />The Triangle/Raleigh 2020 show was officially cancelled on the week of April 29, as announced on their Facebook page. It would have been held June 4-7. The announcement and website mentions a possible rescheduled date of August 8-13 after working with the hotel.<ref>Official Facebook post of the Triangle Pen Show for cancellation https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/132545175053358/</ref>
* '''[[Montreal Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED / POSTPONED</span> - tentative: '''May 2021'''<br />The Scriven Montreal event would have been the first pen show. Although originally slated for 2019 and postponed until May 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, the event was cancelled with a tentative postponement for August 2020.<ref>Scriven Montreal postponement announcement from their official website https://scriven-mtl.blogspot.com/2020/04/scriven-2020-postponed.html</ref> As the spring went on, the event was postponed until May 2021.<ref>Scriven Montreal Covid-19 update https://scriven-mtl.blogspot.com/2020/05/may-covid-19-update.html</ref>
* '''[[Montreal Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED / POSTPONED</span> - tentative: '''August'''<br />The Scriven Montreal event would have been the first pen show. Although originally slated for 2019 and postponed until May 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, the event was cancelled with a tentative postponement for August 2020.<ref>Scriven Montreal postponement announcement from their official website https://scriven-mtl.blogspot.com/2020/04/scriven-2020-postponed.html</ref>
* '''[[St. Louis Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br /> The St. Louis event was originally slated to be held in June 26-28, but the board of directors cancelled the 2020 event for the safety of vendors and attendees. The next show is slated for June 24-27, 2021.<ref>Instagram post from the official St. Louis page about cancellation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NkUy2Jjuv/</ref>
* '''[[St. Louis Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br /> The St. Louis event was originally slated to be held in June 26-28, but the board of directors cancelled the 2020 event for the safety of vendors and attendees. The next show is slated for June 24-27, 2021.<ref>Instagram post from the official St. Louis page about cancellation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NkUy2Jjuv/?igshid=xzb10gcrgrpk</ref>
* '''[[Miami Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br /> The Miami event was to be held July 10-12, but due to higher Covid cases in the US, an announcement was made on May 18 that the 2020 show would be cancelled.<ref>Instagram post from the official Miami page for cancellation announcement https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWB4MJpA-0/</ref>
* '''[[Miami Pen Show 2020]]'''
* '''[[Washington D.C. Collectible Fountain Pen Supershow 2020]]''' <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br />In the week of May 25, the show runners for the DC supershow announced that the event scheduled for July 30-Aug 2 was cancelled due to safety concerns for vendors and attendees.<ref>Current main page for the site shows a cancellation https://dcpenshow.com/</ref><ref>The Pen Addict 412 discussed the recent cancellation of the DC event https://www.relay.fm/penaddict/412</ref>
* '''[[Washington D.C. Collectible Fountain Pen Supershow 2020]]'''
* '''[[Triangle Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> <br />The Triangle/Raleigh 2020 show was officially cancelled on the week of April 29, as announced on their Facebook page. It would have been held June 4-7. The announcement and website mentions a possible rescheduled date of August 8-13 after working with the hotel.<ref>Official Facebook post of the Triangle Pen Show for cancellation https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/132545175053358/</ref>. On June 3, the show runners announced they had signed a contract with the hotel to hold the event August 13-16 this year.<ref>Update to the Triangle Pen Show rescheduling https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/146435063664369/</ref> On July 16th, the show was announced to be officially cancelled for 2020, with tentative date for June 2021.<ref>Updated announcement for Triangle Pen Show https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/161608112147064</ref>
* '''Commonwealth Pen Show'''
* '''[[San Francisco International Pen Show 2020|San Francisco 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br />On July 1, the showrunners for the show announced that they would not hold the 2020 pen show. <ref>San Francisco Pen Show official announcement of cancellation https://twitter.com/sfpenshow/status/1278467302791376896?s=20</ref> They were also joined in a tandem announcement on FP Geeks forum with the Dallas and Chicago pen shows for cancellations.<ref>FP Geeks tandem announcement:San Francisco https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates</ref>.
* '''Dallas Pen Show'''
* '''[[Commonwealth Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - '''Sept. 12, 2021'''<br />As of late August, the show runners for the Commonwealth updated the website banner to announce that the 2020 event was cancelled. The next scheduled event is September 12, 2021.<ref>Home page with a banner announcement about the cancellation and rescheduling http://commonwealthpenshow.com/index.html</ref>
* '''Colorado Pen Show'''
* '''[[Dallas Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span><br />On July 1, the show runners for the Dallas pen show made a tandem announcement on FP Geeks to cancel the Dallas pen show for the year<ref>FP Geeks tandem announcement:Dallas https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates</ref>.
* '''Detroit Pen Show'''
* '''[[Colorado Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - '''Oct. 8-10, 2021'''<br />As of late August, the show's website has a banner announcing that the 2020 event is cancelled. The next scheduled show is October 8-10, 2021.<ref>Home site with an announcement banner of the cancellation http://www.coloradopenshow.com/</ref>
* '''Scriptus Toronto'''
* '''[[Ohio Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Oct. 29-Nov. 1'''<br />As of August 28, there has been no announcement or change to the official website concerning the 2020 event in October/November.
* '''[[Scriptus 2020 - Toronto's Pen & Writing Show|Scriptus Toronto 2020]]''' <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - '''Nov. 1'''<br />After consulting with the venue, volunteers, and seeing the progression of the pandemic, the show runners have cancelled the Scriptus event for 2020.<ref>Announcement on the Scriptus home page about cancellation https://www.scriptusinc.com/</ref> The 2021 event is scheduled for October 31, 2021.
* '''[[Detroit Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Nov. 13-15'''<br />As of May 27, there has been no announcement or change to the official website concerning the 2020 event in November.
* '''Ohio Pen Show'''
===2021 Outlooks===
===2021 Outlooks===
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==European Events==
==European Events==
* '''London Writing Equipment Show (Spring)'''
* '''[[London Writing Equipment Show (Spring) 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">OPEN</span> - <br />The pen show went as scheduled on March 8. There was note of fewer vendors due to concerns for the virus, but still a good showing of attendees.
* '''[[The Capital Pen Show 2020]]'''- <span style="color: orange; font-size: 110%;">POSTPONED</span> - '''June 2021'''<br />In August 2019, a new pen show for London was announced for June 2020. Due to the spread of coronavirus, in March 2020 the showrunners announced they were rescheduling the event for June 2021.<ref>Instagram post from the official event page about the postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CmBZ9jOly/</ref>
* '''Dutch Pen Show'''
* '''[[Newcastle Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> - '''Sept. 5, 2021'''<br />As of August, there is a banner across the UK Pen Show website that announced the Newcastle show will return in September 2021.<ref>Main UK Pen Shows website, which on August 28 currently has a banner announcing the Newcastle cancellation https://ukpenshows.co.uk/</ref>
* '''Newcastle Pen Show'''
* '''[[Belgian Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Sept. 27'''<br />As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Belgian 2020 event in September.
* '''Belgian Pen Show'''
* '''[[Hamburg Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Oct. 3'''<br />As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Hamburg 2020 event in October.
* '''Hamburg Pen Show'''
* '''[[London Writing Equipment Show (Autumn) 2020]]''' - <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Oct. 4'''<br />As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the LWES Autumn 2020 event in October.
* '''London Writing Equipment Show (Fall)'''
* '''[[Dutch Pen Show 2020]]''' - <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> -<br />On March 24, the show runners for the Dutch event announced that they would be rescheduling to October 18th due to the regional restrictions on crowds until at least June 1.<ref>Instagram post from the official Dutch page about the postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HbTswjXr5/</ref> On July 22, the show runners announced that the now postponed event would be cancelled for 2020 entirely. An announcement was made on Instagram<ref>Update post from official account https://www.instagram.com/p/CC7-5r8DO08/</ref> that with the uncertainty of Covid-19 and possible changes from the local government in response, the show runners opted to cancel instead, with an intent to have the next event in June 2021.
* '''[[Yorkshire Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''Nov. 22'''<br />As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Yorkshire 2020 event in November.
==East-Asian Events==
==East-Asian Events==
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==Other Events==
==Other Events==
* '''Sydney Pen Show'''
* '''[[Sydney Pen Show 2020]]''' <span style="color: orange; font-size: 110%;">PENDING</span> - '''August?'''<br />As of May 27, the show runners for the Sydney event have not announced a postponement or cancellation. The 2019 event was held on August 25.
* '''[[Melbourne Pen Show 2020]]'''  <span style="color: green; font-size: 110%;">UNCHANGED</span> - '''November 22'''<br />As of May 27, the show runners for the Melbourne event have not announced a postponement or cancellation. The bio on the official Instagram currently has November 22, 2020 as the event date.<ref>Official Instagram account for Melbourne https://www.instagram.com/melbournepenshow/</ref>
* '''Pelikan Hubs''' <span style="color: red; font-size: 110%;">CANCELLED</span> <br />The global Pelikan Hubs takes place in dozens of cities and regions, generally in a coordinated day in September. Registration and signup process usually begins in July to coordinate exact cities and Hubmasters. The week of May 25, Pelikan announced the cancellation of the Hubs for 2020.<ref>Post on the Pelikan's Perch about the cancellation of both the DC Supershow and the Pelikan Hubs https://thepelikansperch.com/2020/05/26/pelikan-hubs-2020-cancelled/#more-10359</ref>
=Virtual and Alternative Meetups=
With the use of webcall and virtual meeting technology, many local/regional pen clubs have started hosting virtual meetups to help fill the social gap left by pen shows being closed.
Although these won't be updated consistently to show the upcoming dates/times for some, here are some clubs' social media accounts to follow along for (some clubs are closed groups/members only):
* '''Melbourne Pen Show'''
* [https://www.facebook.com/stlslapme/ St. Louis Area Pens Meet & Eats]: St. Louis local group, but welcomes visitors.

Latest revision as of 00:26, 29 August 2020

This page is to help a wider perspective of the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on the greater, international pen show community.

While these date changes are also noted on individual pen show pages, this page is to also show them all at a glance.


North American Events[edit]

  • Arkansas Pen Show 2020 - OPEN- This pen show remained open and on-schedule for March 13-15, after local state agencies reported no confirmed cases in the state during the week leading to the event.[1] Extra hand-washing was encouraged for participants through the weekend, with signs to remind vendors and attendees.[2]
  • Atlanta Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED - The 2020 event was officially cancelled on the week of March 16, announced on Twitter and posted elsewhere.[3] It would have been the event's 25th show, and held on April 3-5.
  • Chicago Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED
    The Chicago 2020 event has been postponed to later dates in response to changing situations in the US. Originally the show dates were moved from April 30-May 3 to the new date of June 11-14[4]. However, as confirmed cases kept increasing in the US, the show runners moved the dates to September 10-13 for safety of vendors and attendees.[5].
    On July 1, the showrunners for the Chicago pen show joined a tandem announcement with the San Francisco and Dallas pen shows that their events would be cancelled this year[6].
  • Montreal Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED / POSTPONED - tentative: May 2021
    The Scriven Montreal event would have been the first pen show. Although originally slated for 2019 and postponed until May 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, the event was cancelled with a tentative postponement for August 2020.[7] As the spring went on, the event was postponed until May 2021.[8]
  • St. Louis Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED
    The St. Louis event was originally slated to be held in June 26-28, but the board of directors cancelled the 2020 event for the safety of vendors and attendees. The next show is slated for June 24-27, 2021.[9]
  • Miami Pen Show 2020 CANCELLED
    The Miami event was to be held July 10-12, but due to higher Covid cases in the US, an announcement was made on May 18 that the 2020 show would be cancelled.[10]
  • Triangle Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED
    The Triangle/Raleigh 2020 show was officially cancelled on the week of April 29, as announced on their Facebook page. It would have been held June 4-7. The announcement and website mentions a possible rescheduled date of August 8-13 after working with the hotel.[13]. On June 3, the show runners announced they had signed a contract with the hotel to hold the event August 13-16 this year.[14] On July 16th, the show was announced to be officially cancelled for 2020, with tentative date for June 2021.[15]
  • San Francisco 2020 - CANCELLED
    On July 1, the showrunners for the show announced that they would not hold the 2020 pen show. [16] They were also joined in a tandem announcement on FP Geeks forum with the Dallas and Chicago pen shows for cancellations.[17].
  • Commonwealth Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED - Sept. 12, 2021
    As of late August, the show runners for the Commonwealth updated the website banner to announce that the 2020 event was cancelled. The next scheduled event is September 12, 2021.[18]
  • Dallas Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED
    On July 1, the show runners for the Dallas pen show made a tandem announcement on FP Geeks to cancel the Dallas pen show for the year[19].
  • Colorado Pen Show 2020 CANCELLED - Oct. 8-10, 2021
    As of late August, the show's website has a banner announcing that the 2020 event is cancelled. The next scheduled show is October 8-10, 2021.[20]
  • Ohio Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - Oct. 29-Nov. 1
    As of August 28, there has been no announcement or change to the official website concerning the 2020 event in October/November.
  • Scriptus Toronto 2020 CANCELLED - Nov. 1
    After consulting with the venue, volunteers, and seeing the progression of the pandemic, the show runners have cancelled the Scriptus event for 2020.[21] The 2021 event is scheduled for October 31, 2021.
  • Detroit Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - Nov. 13-15
    As of May 27, there has been no announcement or change to the official website concerning the 2020 event in November.

2021 Outlooks[edit]

  • Philly Pen Show 2021
  • Los Angeles International Pen Show
  • Baltimore-Washington International Pen Show

European Events[edit]

  • The Capital Pen Show 2020- POSTPONED - June 2021
    In August 2019, a new pen show for London was announced for June 2020. Due to the spread of coronavirus, in March 2020 the showrunners announced they were rescheduling the event for June 2021.[22]
  • Newcastle Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED - Sept. 5, 2021
    As of August, there is a banner across the UK Pen Show website that announced the Newcastle show will return in September 2021.[23]
  • Belgian Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - Sept. 27
    As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Belgian 2020 event in September.
  • Hamburg Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - Oct. 3
    As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Hamburg 2020 event in October.
  • Dutch Pen Show 2020 - CANCELLED -
    On March 24, the show runners for the Dutch event announced that they would be rescheduling to October 18th due to the regional restrictions on crowds until at least June 1.[24] On July 22, the show runners announced that the now postponed event would be cancelled for 2020 entirely. An announcement was made on Instagram[25] that with the uncertainty of Covid-19 and possible changes from the local government in response, the show runners opted to cancel instead, with an intent to have the next event in June 2021.
  • Yorkshire Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - Nov. 22
    As of May 27, there has not been an announcement made to postpone or cancel the Yorkshire 2020 event in November.

East-Asian Events[edit]

  • Singapore Pen Show
  • Tokyo International Pen Show

Other Events[edit]

  • Sydney Pen Show 2020 PENDING - August?
    As of May 27, the show runners for the Sydney event have not announced a postponement or cancellation. The 2019 event was held on August 25.
  • Melbourne Pen Show 2020 UNCHANGED - November 22
    As of May 27, the show runners for the Melbourne event have not announced a postponement or cancellation. The bio on the official Instagram currently has November 22, 2020 as the event date.[26]
  • Pelikan Hubs CANCELLED
    The global Pelikan Hubs takes place in dozens of cities and regions, generally in a coordinated day in September. Registration and signup process usually begins in July to coordinate exact cities and Hubmasters. The week of May 25, Pelikan announced the cancellation of the Hubs for 2020.[27]

Virtual and Alternative Meetups[edit]

With the use of webcall and virtual meeting technology, many local/regional pen clubs have started hosting virtual meetups to help fill the social gap left by pen shows being closed. Although these won't be updated consistently to show the upcoming dates/times for some, here are some clubs' social media accounts to follow along for (some clubs are closed groups/members only):


  1. Instagram post on the official Arkansas page about state confirmed cases https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kWzXoDfR-/
  2. Instagram post on the official Arkansas page with sign for handwashing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9rgYx6j6f-/
  3. Twitter post announcing the cancellation of the Atlanta Pen Show https://twitter.com/AtlantaPenShow/status/1240331259441799173?s=20
  4. Instagram post from official Chicago page about first postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B92BNqmD3uo/
  5. Instagram post from official Chicago page about second postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B_h7vpWjmv8/
  6. FP Geeks tandem announcement:Chicago https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates
  7. Scriven Montreal postponement announcement from their official website https://scriven-mtl.blogspot.com/2020/04/scriven-2020-postponed.html
  8. Scriven Montreal Covid-19 update https://scriven-mtl.blogspot.com/2020/05/may-covid-19-update.html
  9. Instagram post from the official St. Louis page about cancellation https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NkUy2Jjuv/
  10. Instagram post from the official Miami page for cancellation announcement https://www.instagram.com/p/CAWB4MJpA-0/
  11. Current main page for the site shows a cancellation https://dcpenshow.com/
  12. The Pen Addict 412 discussed the recent cancellation of the DC event https://www.relay.fm/penaddict/412
  13. Official Facebook post of the Triangle Pen Show for cancellation https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/132545175053358/
  14. Update to the Triangle Pen Show rescheduling https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/146435063664369/
  15. Updated announcement for Triangle Pen Show https://www.facebook.com/108665514107991/posts/161608112147064
  16. San Francisco Pen Show official announcement of cancellation https://twitter.com/sfpenshow/status/1278467302791376896?s=20
  17. FP Geeks tandem announcement:San Francisco https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates
  18. Home page with a banner announcement about the cancellation and rescheduling http://commonwealthpenshow.com/index.html
  19. FP Geeks tandem announcement:Dallas https://fpgeeks.com/forum/showthread.php/31642-Pen-Show-Updates
  20. Home site with an announcement banner of the cancellation http://www.coloradopenshow.com/
  21. Announcement on the Scriptus home page about cancellation https://www.scriptusinc.com/
  22. Instagram post from the official event page about the postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CmBZ9jOly/
  23. Main UK Pen Shows website, which on August 28 currently has a banner announcing the Newcastle cancellation https://ukpenshows.co.uk/
  24. Instagram post from the official Dutch page about the postponement https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HbTswjXr5/
  25. Update post from official account https://www.instagram.com/p/CC7-5r8DO08/
  26. Official Instagram account for Melbourne https://www.instagram.com/melbournepenshow/
  27. Post on the Pelikan's Perch about the cancellation of both the DC Supershow and the Pelikan Hubs https://thepelikansperch.com/2020/05/26/pelikan-hubs-2020-cancelled/#more-10359