Pay-It-Forward (Kickstarter Campaign)

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Pay-It-Forward Project
Funding Platform: Kickstarter
Funding Period: Jan 30, 2018 - March 1, 2018 (30 days)
Funding aim: $1,000€ 900 <br />£ 800 <br />¥ 110,000 <br />AU$ 1,400 <br />
Funding achieved: $21,429€ 19,286.1 <br />£ 17,143.2 <br />¥ 2,357,190 <br />AU$ 30,000.6 <br />
Backers: 280
Status: Successful
Web Site: Official Kickstarter page


This Kickstarter is to help raise funds for a not-for-profit group, The Pay-It-Forward Project, run by Oscar Rodriguez. The group hosts tables at pen shows to give out fountain pen starter kits: a goodie bag with a fountain pen, a sample of ink, and a notebook. The ides is to give a friendly introduction into the stationery community, from children to adults.

For this Kickstarter, Pay-It-Forward collaborated to create a special 'Heart of Gold' line of products. The initial offering of products were memobooks printed by Story Supply Co., a limited edition ink by Papier Plume, and a limited run of 75, Franklin-Christoph Model 31 pens. The pens were turned from special acrylic material cast by Jonathan Brooks of Caroline Pen Company.[1]

The campaign surpassed the initial goal within the first 15 minutes, and by the end of day one had raised over $12,000.[2].

Two weeks into the campaign, it was revealed that custom, "Heart of Gold" branded pen cases by Rickshaw Bags in San Francisco were available as add-on products (and their own pledge tiers). The products included a single-pen sleeve, the Solo; the 3-pen case, Waldo; and the 6-pen roll case, Hemingway[3].

The campaign completed on March 1 with 280 backers and $21,429 pledged. That following weekend, the Pay-It-Forward project had an official table at the Baltimore-Washington International Pen Show, complete with special stickers for the show.[4]

References and Notes[edit]