The Pen Addict 604/transcript

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Transcript of The Pen Addict 604[edit]

00:00:06 Myke

From Relay FM, this is the Pen Addict episode 604. Today's show is brought to you by Pen Chalet and Uni pizza ovens. My name is Michael and I'm joined by Brad Dowdy. Hi Brad.

00:00:18 Brad

Hey, Mike, how's it going?

00:00:19 Brad

Today I'm really good.

00:00:20 Myke

How are you?

00:00:21 Brad

I am really good as well, probably because it's race week. I mean it is because we're talking about pins, but it is rocky.


It's rock cake.

00:00:30 Brad

So we we had our little pregame, that's pretty much all we.

00:00:33 Brad

Talked about.

00:00:34 Brad

Was the upcoming F1 season.

00:00:38 Brad

So yeah, make sure you follow mikes. Work over at the back markers and we'll we'll put some links in the show notes. Yeah, for that. This week. Y'all, do you and Austin do quarterly check-ins?

00:00:49 Myke

I mean.

00:00:50 Myke

At this point it has kind of just become.

00:00:52 Myke

A few.

00:00:54 Myke

Episodes a year for the season is.

00:00:56 Brad

Yeah, whenever the drama happens, if we, if we need to, if we need to talk, which means you might have two or three.

00:01:02 Brad

Episodes in the first week, yeah.

00:01:05 Myke

Yeah, yeah, there's a lot going on right now.

00:01:09 Brad

But hey, we don't let F1 have all the fun with the drama. We have our own drama here in the pen world.

00:01:16 Brad

Let me tell you, I'm pretty much done with talking about Lamy, dark lilac and I think probably a lot of the listeners are.

00:01:20 Myke

I actually, well, we're we're not dunks. We gonna talk about it before we actually get to the the new goings on. So we're sitting down on the so for a couple of I think over the last weekend.

00:01:24 Brad

Oh yeah, yeah.

00:01:31 Myke

And Adina is like ohh one. My one of our friends, she sent me this. TikTok about mommy drama. And I'm like Oh my God.

00:01:39 Myke

So like it had found its way into the TikTok algorithm and it's serving this drama because it's like and the the TikTok is positioned around the side like she sent it because she knows that I do.

00:01:50 Myke

Right. But like.

00:01:51 Myke

The driver is centered around.

00:01:54 Myke

Like the craziness that there could be drama in the fountain pen community, like, that's how it begins. But this, this person was a pen creator, but they, you know, that was kind of like the the way they positioned this TikTok as it was like, oh, look at this pen people crazy about an ink. So yeah, that's where we are.

00:02:15 Brad

Yeah, that is where we are and hopefully this is kind of the last time. Hopefully this is probably the last time I talk about, although I will be getting a bottle of Lamy dark like at some point just because like it, it's gonna be a good ink. It's a good ink regardless, but.

00:02:24 Myke

Yeah, of course.

00:02:29 Brad

Long story short, and then we'll we'll do the the long story long, Long story short, the Lamy Dark Lilac 2024 edition is officially different than the original 2016 edition, and that is where it's coming from. Lamy. So fountain pen.

00:02:48 Brad

Themes on Instagram has done an exceptional job of tracking this. They have, they've been pounding the pavement.

00:02:52 Myke

They've been putting in the footwork, Brad. That's what's been going on over there.

00:02:59 Brad

They've been being the journalist in this situation, asking.

00:03:03 Myke

Yeah. Clark Kent kind of work happening over there at Fountain Pen.

00:03:07 Brad

Which you wouldn't expect.

00:03:09 Myke

Account court fountain pen means but nevertheless, here we are.

00:03:14 Brad

Yeah. So there's basically 3 posts you can follow, so I'm calling it how it began. So exciting and then oops.

00:03:23 Brad

Is kind of how we get how this whole thing goes. So how it began is pretty much what you heard on last week's show. I'm not gonna rehash everything. It's Lami actually created an ink called dark lilac.

00:03:35 Brad

That they launched in the European market 1st, but it's coming worldwide and you can, like I said, you can go back last week and figure out why. That's like a big deal in our little world. There was a previous ink from 2016 that everyone loved and it became rare and highly sought after and very expensive. So Lami had the grand plan to come out with a new dark lilac and everyone wants to know.

00:03:56 Brad

Is this the same? Is it different?

00:03:59 Brad

The best part of the week for me was when fountain Pen memes talked to Lami USA's distributor and basically said, hey, yeah, here's the question is 2024 dark lilac the same color formulation as 2016?

00:04:19 Brad

Dark Lilac Lama USA says yes, so that's a very important question. That fountain memes ask is not just the same color, but formulation.

00:04:28 Brad

And then yeah, we got through the other other questions is dark like worldwide standard product? Yes, it's a standard product. Is it the same ink as the BlackBerry Violet, which we're going to talk about later in the show, which is the 2024 Lamy Special Edition Ink? It's no, it's not the same. And there you go. So that's Part 2, so hey.

00:04:48 Brad

It's the same age.

00:04:50 Brad

Until it isn't. So Lamar USA. Literally. I believe the same day because this is when I got a text with this new e-mail in directly from Lami Lami the mothership in Germany.

00:05:06 Brad

I'm going to read this whole thing.

00:05:08 Brad

So this was an inquiry which we never see Lami. I can't believe they answered this question to be quite honest so.

00:05:13 Myke

I can.

00:05:15 Myke

You can at this point. Yeah, I I understand. What? Yeah.

00:05:15 Brad

Point. Well, they've caused their own problems. They've caused their own problems here.

00:05:20 Brad

After your mail, I checked again with the persons actually producing our inks and they confirmed that we tried to produce exactly the same shade of ink dark Violet as in 2016. However, the red dye we use then is not available anymore. So is there is indeed a slight difference between the shade and 2016?

00:05:40 Brad

And the new one?

00:05:42 Brad

Please pass on this information and apologize in our name for the incorrect reply yesterday. That's very German response there. I love that one. So it it's so again if you don't care, all you need to know is this is not the same ink. I will say it looks pretty good. It looks really good. It looks very close. It is clearly not the same when you put them side by side at least.

00:05:48 Myke

I love.

00:05:49 Myke

I love that.

00:06:02 Brad

I can tell like immediately they're they're not the same, but it's a good looking thing. I'm just glad we have this clarification. I am I. Why are you not surprised they put out this information publicly?

00:06:12 Myke

Just cause it's gotten to be too much of a thing now and and I.

00:06:15 Myke

I think at the point where any official representative spoke on behalf of law may, which Lammy, USA did at that Point, Loma, Germany. If they have additional information, need to communicate it, because I can see what's happened here. The plan was we are recreating dark lilac. That was their plan.

00:06:35 Myke

Right. And that has what has been communicated within the company. But then just during production, they're like, oh, we can't do this. We'll, we'll, we'll do a different ink then and.

00:06:44 Myke

We'll get close.

00:06:45 Myke

And so for them it's like, well, this is the same thing, right? You can see how that becomes a thing of inside of the company. Like we want to make dark lilac again.

00:06:54 Myke

This is as close as we can get. We're going to call it dark lilac. The formulation is the same, except we have to use the different inks, right? So that they're going for the same thing, but it's a slightly different color, like slightly different. So they're like, this is Doug. Why like now we've done it.

00:07:10 Myke

And this goes back to exactly what the title of last week's episode.

00:07:16 Myke

Do not attribute to malice that which could be attributed to other people not.

00:07:21 Myke

Caring as much.

00:07:21 Myke

As you do about that one hyper specific thing that is Mike's razor, right, this is this is what we've got going on over here on the pan Addict now. And I think this is the this is an exact.

00:07:27 Brad

The 8th.

00:07:34 Myke

Example of what I'm talking about set.

00:07:36 Brad

Well, lobby found out that we did care.

00:07:39 Myke

But yes, but like you know what I mean that they set out to do something and they got close to the way that they thought they should. You know what I mean? Like this to them was like we've done it, gang. We got there. We had to make a compromise along the way.

00:07:56 Myke

What we got there, you know, and I think that.

00:07:58 Brad

Did we, though? Did we actually get there? That's my hang up.

00:08:00 Myke

Well, for them they did though Brad. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like problem for Lammy. They're like, this is dark lilac now.

00:08:03 Brad

That's the.

00:08:08 Myke

You've surely been in this situation where, yes, have had a production run where you've had to make a slight tweak. You continue selling the product as it is and in your mind, you're like no one's really going to notice this except for me.

00:08:22 Brad

The problem is this is such an own goal, right? It didn't have to be this way. If this was a standard lineup product that changed, I would have. We would not be talking about this.

00:08:33 Brad

But this was arguably the most popular product they've made in a decade. That up, and that was limited and not widely available. And they said, hey, look, same thing, look over here, look over here and it wasn't. And like, it's just so self-inflicted like it's like why did why isn't it?

00:08:51 Myke

It's an old ball. It's an it's an.

00:08:52 Brad

Own goal it's an own goal. Why isn't this called? This is back to my Tomori River thing. Why isn't this called Lami dark Violet like you would say?

00:09:01 Brad

If you would save like all of the drama, right, dark purple, dark Violet, anything but dark lilac, we don't have all of these conversations.

00:09:10 Myke

What? But what? What? Why would you know why? You know one? Because this was a really popular product that they want to benefit from the popularity of their own product. Right, which they call it, goes back to.

00:09:14 Brad

I know why. I know why. Because it happens in a marketing meeting. Yeah.

00:09:28 Myke

And the kutaka dive right, they increased the price of the product because they wanted to benefit from the fact that people were scalping it and she.

00:09:38 Myke

Was like why?

00:09:39 Myke

Should someone else be making more money from our products, right? This happens all the time like we're seeing it with Nintendo now. Completely different thing is expected.

00:09:48 Myke

Now the the Nintendo Switch will now launch in March of 2025 because they don't want scalpers to buy up the product they want. They want to have enough product available that they can flood the channel, and so that they can benefit from people wanting that thing like this happens all the time. Like, this isn't me. Like, I'm not like.

00:10:06 Myke

You know, going ashore for this corporation.

00:10:09 Myke

I'm just talking about, like, I think too often people.

00:10:16 Myke

Like they blame like ohh the bad cop. It's just a bunch of people and they're just trying to do something, you know? And like, I guarantee you the higher ups probably didn't even know about.

00:10:26 Myke

This they they didn't even know that it was a different red. Like something. Yeah, guaranteed.

00:10:32 Myke

Right. And they were like, ah, it will do.

00:10:35 Brad

Yep, guaranteed, guaranteed. Alright, so last point on this which I meant to make last week and then I forgot because we got so, so busy laughing at ourselves for this and.

00:10:36 Myke

You don't.

00:10:47 Brad

Because I do think it's completely silly, but it's it's fun to talk about. The last point is there is never a need to hoard special edition inks because companies will do this. It's been proven time and time again, and I've gotten caught up in it with Sailor.

00:11:04 Brad

Oh God, was the first time I realized it's like, oh, this is my favorite ink. I need 3 bottles of it, cause it's going away. Well then they keep releasing it like every few years. It's either that ink or something like you. You just don't need to to hoard special edition inks because there's always gonna be something that's close if not identical. And a lot of times from the exact same company that.

00:11:24 Brad

Made it the first time, so that's your. That's your PSA for today. You don't have to hoard inks. There's always. There's always gonna be something else. The amount of inks on the market right now is astonishing and there's no end in.

00:11:37 Brad

Site, so there's no need to buy 5 bottles of an ink because you think it might be going away because you're just actually limiting yourself from discovering other fun things that might be just as good or better down the line, and then all of a sudden you have 4 bottles that a company decides 3 years from now to release the exact same formulation of so.

00:11:57 Brad

There you go.

00:11:58 Brad

Bradt PSA of the day.

00:12:00 Myke

Good PSA a couple of weeks ago, Eric wrote in to ask for a recommendation. They got a new job, they got a pay rise and they wanted to to pick up a new pen. Eric has all steel nibs, their wife studios, Karen Dash 849, and Monteverdi strata. They were looking for.

00:12:20 Myke

Something new to celebrate and you would like to make some further recommendations.

00:12:24 Brad

Yeah. So I was actually having trouble answering that question because I got really hung up on the gold nib aspect of this, and that precluded me from mentioning maybe the most perfect pin to meet the thin and heavy requirement. And that's the auto hook design O3, which is one of my favorite pins.

00:12:44 Brad

It's a skinny, heavy pin. It does not have a gold nib, but it is an amazing nib, an amazing writer and that kind of fits the category. And if you just look at other who does a brand, you can maybe find something else. If you don't like the 03, there's some other thinner pins and some new options.

00:13:00 Myke

So, but also Eric didn't ask for.

00:13:04 Brad

We we didn't, but the way it was written made me.

00:13:04 Myke

Now we're thinking about that, right? Yeah. We feel like that's what we would want to suggest, right. Like, alright, take a step off.

00:13:10 Brad

Yeah, like I want to come with this. Yeah. I want to come with the step up answer. And I was having a tougher time with that. Waldman's another brand that Kim really yelled at me for not mentioning. She's the Wildman super fan and. And she's right. They have a lot of the skinny heavyweight barrels and gold nib options. So if you just look at that.

00:13:30 Brad

Overall, as a brand, there's some shapes in there umm, but I am such a design 03 fan and that's probably like the exact answer giving the Y Studio and Karen Dash 849 lol.

00:13:43 Brad

I would move straight into the design 03 and never look back, so that's just something I wanted to to revisit because I knew there was something in there that I I just couldn't pull out at the time I was answering that question, so I wanted to follow that one back.

00:13:59 Brad

Up so there.

00:14:00 Myke

You go, you published your review of the.

00:14:03 Myke

Novel or ikkaku, which is a pen that we've been talking about a bunch over the last few weeks. You know, I feel like you've kind of given the majority of your.

00:14:11 Myke

Billings that are in their review on the show, as I kept prompting you for it, but I had a question in reading through the the article that I didn't really feel like I necessarily got an answer to. Maybe you don't have an answer to it because.

00:14:23 Myke

It's a.

00:14:24 Myke

OK. Question. My question for you is if you had $700.00 to spend on a pen, would you choose this pen?

00:14:33 Brad

So I call this question the reviewer's dilemma right?

00:14:37 Myke

It's very it's a very I will, I will state it is a very unfair question to ask. Like I know that, but this is just where I am, where I'm a little hung up on this brand proposition.

00:14:49 Myke

That I I'm just not. I don't. I want you to tell me basically like is this.

00:14:56 Myke

The place to put that money cause you could get.

00:15:00 Myke

A similar pen I feel like from a lot of brands and so this is just where I'm hung up on novel moving into this this category.

00:15:12 Brad

And This is why it was difficult to write this review. I'm going to answer your question very directly and then we will go, we'll we'll discuss it. The answer is no.

00:15:21 Brad

OK. I would not if I had $700.00 to spend on a pen.

00:15:28 Brad

This probably doesn't make like the top five and probably the top 10 pins of.

00:15:34 Brad

Something I would choose, but where the reviewer's dilemma comes in is that is a very strict only for me opinion and it doesn't consider whether there is any technical issues, flaws, mispricing with the pen, which there's not.

00:15:54 Brad

Like I think the pen is well made. I think the price is fair. Like there's really no issues with the pen.

00:16:02 Brad

And then you also do, you have to say I also would not spend the money I would choose to spend it elsewhere, right? I don't know that that that's why I like having the podcasts and other platforms, because I think there's one part review, but I have to understand in my review, people want to know, Brad, what decision would you?

00:16:22 Brad

To make if you were you, if you had this choice to make, and my my choice would be no, I would not spend this money on this pen.

00:16:31 Brad

And while I was using this pen, I used it for several weeks. I enjoyed every second of it. I I kept thinking, it's like, oh, maybe I should ask him, like, if I could buy this pen and I was like, no, that's like, like not the best use of my money. Like, if I wasn't gonna spend that money.

00:16:43 Brad

I'm gonna think about it a little bit more. It would have been like a like a convenient opportunity for me to e-mail them and purchase this pen.

00:16:52 Brad

But then when I say no, I would not spend the money on this pen. That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with this pen, right? It's just sure that's where.

00:16:58 Brad

It boils down to my personal tastes.

00:17:01 Brad

And I don't know that I generally don't put that in a in a review. I would generally talk about.

00:17:09 Brad

Whether I like it or not and then I will call out any technical flaws like very directly, right. If I think there's a problem with the pen, I'll say it. If I think that it's like it's priced incorrectly, I'll say that like I'm very direct on those type of things. But like is this pin worth? It is only a question I can answer.

00:17:28 Brad

And everyone has to answer that for themselves. So this is hopefully providing information and I can answer more. And if you say, Brad, would you spend $700.00 on this pen?

00:17:39 Brad

You know, like I I wouldn't unless there was the. The problem is, there's other opportunities, right? This price point is very expensive, right? This is a ton of money to spend on a pen. I have very few pens that are more expensive than this, like, maybe a handful.

00:18:00 Brad

And I would just choose like the list of things I would choose.

00:18:05 Brad

For that amount of money, would it just be more because there's a couple of minor things that I don't find the value to be in? Like I have a real issue with this clip on this pin and that it's just very.

00:18:21 Brad

It doesn't feel sturdy to me. It's like it's it's thin and it's just not my style. Like I think it. Aesthetically it looks fine, but I just kind of can't get over like the thinness of it and that they use it in like it's fine to use it in other pens, but I've never liked it in the other pens either, right?

00:18:38 Brad

Like some of their ebonite pens that they use.

00:18:40 Brad

Things like that. You know, if you're spending $700.00, you know, like, literally, you could buy almost anything you want, right? You could buy a nakaya. You could buy a fancy platinum you could buy.

00:18:52 Brad

You know a a big sailor.

00:18:56 Brad

You could buy a lot of custom type of pens like you can really kind of like the world is your oyster with this type of money.

00:19:04 Brad

So you have to very specifically want this pin in this style, and I just think I would spend my money differently and that's not a knock on the pin itself, if that makes sense and that's that's why it's like it's like difficult to discuss that in a clear, concise way when there is literally nothing wrong with this pen.

00:19:25 Brad

Like whatsoever.

00:19:27 Myke

So yeah, I mean, so for me like one of the.

00:19:33 Myke

One of the things that I think about, you know, when I look at a pen like this, I I don't have many pens like this, like a rushi, pens or whatever. And I always go back to like, one of my absolute favorite pens, which is not a longer available, which is the 3776 Galaxy Starlight. Right, which is just truly an incredible pen.

00:19:53 Myke

And I think it was like $700.00 like a similar price point.

00:19:58 Myke

And I'm getting the platinum right? Yeah, with the platinum nib. And like, you know, it's got like, all of that stuff going on it it's just, it feels to me just complicated to.


Let's let's.

00:20:13 Myke

Look at a.

00:20:18 Myke

Newcomer in that space. Yeah. And make that decision when it, I mean. And also like I just say this, this one doesn't, like, massively speak to me. Right, which is what's going on here. But like it, maybe if it did, I would feel different. But it it it kind of doesn't. So there you.

00:20:35 Brad

Go like all I can think about in comparison with this pen.

00:20:38 Brad

And it's not even remotely.

00:20:41 Brad

Similar in style or design is like the Aurora Optima or even the 88, and those are in the, you know 5 to $700.00 range. And I just like I would choose like you know, one of the aurora's you know if I'm going to spend over $500 between say like 500 and $750, you know you just have auroras.

00:21:02 Brad

And Pelicans and even nikayas. And then you have, like, special edition platinums and sailors and pilots and.

00:21:10 Brad

Like like I said, like there's probably 10 pins I could list out.

00:21:16 Brad

And you know that I would feel more comfortable and it's a lot of. It's what you're saying and.

00:21:22 Brad

The established brand type of thing, but you know a lot of people are are.

00:21:28 Brad

You know, not maybe not as established and looking at some of the newer brands and I love that they're doing this like I love the pen, you know. But you know, you're asking like, that's a that's a big, big, big ask to get into that price point. So when you have.

00:21:45 Brad

That amount of choice in the in a price point like that you you can get anything.

00:21:49 Myke

Look, they can like you. Coco can get to that point. Sure, like brands can rise to the point where that's.

00:21:57 Myke

The thing but.

00:21:58 Myke

Just takes a bit of time, you should say. Like if there are things where you can point to which we both pointed to things in this range. And like that ain't right like but. But maybe when they fix those things, like maybe if they do a better job with a clip, maybe if they do a better job of integrating the grip section into the design of the pen like then we start to get to the point where we're like, I'll use one, it feels good. Maybe I'll do it.

00:22:18 Myke

And then it like, grows from there I guess.

00:22:21 Brad

Yep, so.

00:22:21 Myke

But it takes time.

00:22:23 Brad

Yeah. And they are one thing I noticed, which I wasn't totally clear on before I started researching the article that that they've done almost 10 releases in about a year at this price point between 7:00 and $800, which kind of astonished me. So we'll see. We'll see what's if.

00:22:38 Myke

I mean they they obviously the brand has fans, right and also the pens look good. So yeah, that is enough to sell, but it's not yet enough to.

00:22:39 Brad

There's leaves going forward.

00:22:51 Myke

To make you say like, yes, this is where I put my money. But they can get there though, right?

00:22:56 Brad

Ohh without question about question.

00:22:57 Myke

You can get that all right. This episode is brought to you by Pen Chalet. If you want to find some amazing pens, you can, you can go there because they have the products that you're looking for from all of your favorite brands. Pen Chalet believe and fast and reliable customer service and giving you the best prices possible. They run special discounts every couple of weeks.

00:23:05 Brad

I spent my money there recently.

00:23:19 Myke

And they're always adding new styles of pens every time you go to Pensacola, you're going to find new stuff you're going to find new products, you're going to find new brands coming on board.

00:23:26 Myke

And they've got everything you're looking for, whether you want a fountain pen or a mechanical pencil, maybe a bottle of ink or a pen holder for that upcoming pen shop, maybe you want to take pens to it, or maybe you want one that's empty so you can fill pens up whenever you're looking for a pen chalet. Have got it talking about pen shows. Have a pen show at home by going to Pensacola and just peruse.

00:23:46 Myke

Through the incredible offerings that you'll get, they do free shipping on orders of over $75.00 in the US and they sell internationally with very reasonable shipping rates. Pen Chalet has low prices on high quality pens of our 100% satisfaction guard.

00:24:01 Myke

Note go to and click the podcast link at the top of the website. Use the password pen addict. This is where you will see the code that you need to save 10% on anything a pension line along with this week's special offers. What do you got for me?

00:24:18 Brad

Brad, so we have a lot of what we've seen before and these are some of the things that I ordered.

00:24:23 Brad

Recently and I haven't received them yet because I did do a pre-order for the cavaco iridescent apricot, which I raved about.

00:24:31 Brad

Just about a week or two ago, when we're talking about the podcast, but they have some a lot of inks in here, which you don't normally see on sale, and then a couple of new additions. The new minima is at a price that is really, really inexpensive. And if you've ever been wondering about venues, this is this was kind of the model that started.

00:24:52 Brad

Off and became really popular because it's a smaller like a torpedo shaped pen. It's, you know, #5 size nib. And it's a really, really great.

00:25:00 Brad

The price and then further down below they still have some of the Karen Dash 840 nines, which I love and I know you enjoy as well. And then they snuck in the veco AC sport which it is F1 season mic. So why not have a pen with a little carbon fiber inlay on there? It's a very racy. It's a very racy.


Let's do it.

00:25:21 Brad

And it is, it is ready to get the season underway. There's some other venues down here as well. Some of the the limited editions. Dragon, Christmas. Ohh, these are all new. I gotta check out these.

00:25:21 Myke

Let's go.

00:25:35 Brad

Bennies. Love little lark. These are really cool. I love Bennu pens, so there's definitely some neat ones in there as well. So go check them out.

00:25:43 Myke

Alright, go to check it out yourself right now. PENC click the podcast link at the top of the website and use the password pen addict. Our thanks to Pen Chalet for the support of this show and relay FM.

00:25:57 Brad

I I'm actually still scrolling. I can't believe how long this list is this week, so good job Ron.

00:26:00 Myke

No longer.

00:26:04 Brad

Yeah, lots of good stuff in there.

00:26:08 Brad

All right, shout out of the.

00:26:09 Brad

Week, Mike.

00:26:11 Brad

Hashtag kill winter with orange our friend. Random thanks. Always takes advantage of the cold winter months and lays out everything orange that they have on their Instagram feed. And it is amazing. I mean, it's pretty much orange year round.

00:26:28 Brad

With Keith and I appreciate that about him very much. But if you go over to the Instagram right now, we are really focusing on the orange and and just getting some fun orangey vibes in this cold winter, wherever you are. So yeah, definitely go check that out, give Keith a shout out. And by the way.

00:26:33 Myke

Very good. Wow.

00:26:49 Brad

He pops up at a couple of different pin shows with a lot of 3D printed like pin holders and different desk accessories, so it's really cool. So.

00:26:58 Brad

Definitely give random things to follow and check out all the orange hotness over there.

00:27:05 Myke

It by looking at case Instagram it would seem that Keith lives in perpetual winter.

00:27:13 Brad

It's it's orange year round on on that feed, but it's uh, it's especially especially orange during February.

00:27:22 Myke

Fair enough.

00:27:23 Brad

Yeah, fair enough.

00:27:25 Brad

All right, real quick, I'm going to go through all of the new Lamy safari SME's. You know, we've talked about them a bunch.



00:27:35 Brad

But I was finally able to get them all in hand. So as you well know, if you're listening to this podcast, Lami Safari did two colorways this year. Pink Cliff and Violet BlackBerry, and within each of those colorways, they did the fountain pen, the roller ball.

00:27:55 Brad

In the ballpoint. So I have 6 pins here, one of each style in each of the two colors. On top of that I have bottles of ink, which is where a little bit of my confusion comes.

00:28:12 Brad

I'm going to call them paint Cliff and Violet BlackBerry for now, but apparently their official names are Cliff and BlackBerry. They don't have the the pink out of the Cliff and the Violet out of the BlackBerry is apparently the name which again Lamy is going to loan me, but I I.

00:28:32 Brad

Maybe because Pink Cliff is is there's no pink in there. I kind of wish there was a pink ink for this pen, but regardless, so I inked up. I finally just inked up the pink Cliff.

00:28:48 Brad

Fountain Pen extra fine nib. This is my favorite of the two models, the paint Cliff because I like the matte barrels right? So the pink Cliff is the one with the dark blue matte barrel and the pink finial and the pink grip section.

00:29:03 Brad

So the pink grip section on the pink Cliff barrel is also matte to match the blue. Now if you take the Violet BlackBerry Fountain pen.

00:29:15 Brad

Then that PIN also has a lighter color purple grip section with a glossy barrel. The grip is matte, which is fine, but I feel like if we're going to go full matte on the other version, I kind of would have liked to seen full glossy on this version. It's not a big deal like it's by no means a deal breaker.

00:29:37 Brad

I love the matte like Matt's my preferred texture.

00:29:40 Brad

But this is such a pretty shiny barrel for Violet BlackBerry. I would have liked to seen the shinier grip section I think which they do like their stock Lamy safaris. Like if you get a red 1A yellow 1A black 1A blue one, they're all shiny so they know they do that type of finish for the grip section. So I don't know. I would have just like to have seen some cohesion there.

00:30:00 Brad

In the setup, but it looks great regardless so.

00:30:05 Brad

The roller balls are interesting. I think I'm definitely going to review like I won't review a lot of these products, right? Because like, there's only so much I can say about a safari. I'll do like some Instagram stuff. Take some pictures. They all look cool, but if I review any pen, I'm gonna review the roller ball because I don't know that I have. I would have to go back and look and I'll tell you why.

00:30:25 Brad

I'm not choosing the ballpoint here in a second.

00:30:28 Brad

But the roller balls are interesting. They use like a a medium black roller ball refill the style on the exterior looks like the fountain pen minus the ink window in the side of the pin. And then the finials have one notch, just like a line across.

00:30:49 Brad

That's how you can tell the difference between the roller ball and the fountain pen. The fountain pens have like an X or A plus sign across the top. So it's like 2 lines intersecting where the roller balls or one line.

00:31:00 Brad

So I will probably review the rollerball just because I haven't done many roller ball roller ball reviews in the past.

00:31:09 Brad

And the reason I'm not reviewing the ballpoint is because I love the ballpoint and I've already reviewed them and they're great. Like, I think the ballpoints one of the safari ballpoints are one of lamia's underrated pens.

00:31:21 Brad

Except this time they booked them up. I don't like what they did with these limited edition ones because again, the consistency and design with each of the roller balls and the fountain pens, you have the alternate color in there, right? You have the main color.

00:31:41 Brad

Pink, Cliff, Violet. BlackBerry as your barrel color and then you have an alternate in the in the pink Cliff you have a pink grip.

00:31:50 Brad

Section and in the Violet BlackBerry you have a purple grip section for both the roller ball and fountain pen. The ballpoints are flat, just the main color, so the pink Cliff is just a blue bat barrel on its own. It looks great, but you've set me up to have some hit of pink.

00:32:11 Brad

On these barrel.

00:32:14 Brad

And the Ballpoints have neither. Neither the Violet BlackBerry or the pink Cliff have any notes of their alternate color, which I like. I'm saying like if you just put out this ballpoint as a standard line up pin like, I would be totally into it. Totally love it. But my expectations have been set to have this extra hit of color.

00:32:34 Brad

Like a 2 tone color and.

00:32:36 Brad

The the ball points are just the single barrel color with black trim and clips and and knocks and things like that, just like the other pens. So those that design element came came in pretty flat for me even though I am traditionally a Lamy ballpoint mommy safari ballpoint lover, I really, really like that.

00:32:57 Brad

So as far as the ink goes, the Cliff ink is a blue black, and it's kind of basic like I think I'm going to enjoy it as a blue black ink, but I don't know that I'm going to be reaching for it for it consistently because it's.

00:33:14 Brad

Romney Blue Black is already great, like I'll probably do a comparison of that ink with lamis blue black Lamy's blue standard blue black is probably a little bit grayer than this, so this is.

00:33:23 Brad

A little bit bluer.

00:33:25 Brad

So I've inked that in the Lami Safari pink Cliff. I really have to think about these names. It's very complicated.

00:33:33 Myke

Well, especially because you're now giving it a name that they.

00:33:36 Myke

Said it's not.

00:33:37 Brad

One last.

00:33:38 Brad

Yeah. So the ink allegedly is just called Cliff. And sure, it's it's a completely fine ink. I think BlackBerry is going to be the standout ink color I have inked that in a sailor King of.

00:33:42 Myke

Hi, Cliff.

00:33:53 Brad

To test out and it has. So the Cliff blue black ink is a very standard, straightforward ink. If you like a blue black ink with not a lot of, you know, Sheen or it's got a little bit of shading. But it is a very straightforward ink where BlackBerry.

00:34:13 Brad

Has kind of this nice dark reddish grape undertones very, you know, like a dark black Ras BlackBerry.

00:34:24 Brad

And then has kind of almost a brownish goldish Sheen. A lot of people were seeing copper in the Sheen and it's a very heavy sheener. It's like a it's like a 90 plus percent coverage Sheen on the line. It's it's kind of how I rate it, right, how much Sheen covers the line when you write your letters.

00:34:43 Brad

On there and it's pretty much fully covered, you know outside of a, A, a few little parts. So if you like a heavy sheener, then the BlackBerry is going to be for you. I think the colors is pretty neat. It's it's very dark and kind of Moody and I like it a lot.

00:34:59 Brad

The good thing so far in my quick testing is the Sheen dries quickly, right? Like I will tend to avoid heavy screeners because a lot of times they don't dry well and they can be sticky after the fact and this one is very, very good it it. It dried pretty quick. I was testing on on Sands and Tomoe River paper had no issues.

00:35:19 Brad

With it smearing after the fact, which you will see time to time from shooting so.

00:35:24 Brad

Overall, very positive about this whole lineup.

00:35:28 Brad

The Pink Cliff Fountain Pen Safari Fountain Pen is going to be my favorite and then I will review the roll roller balls, probably in the inks. So we'll we'll see from there, but very happy with this lineup. Now I I'm almost to the point of burnt out on this lineup now that I finally got them was like OK, I can breathe a little bit.

00:35:49 Brad

Because I get really amped up about this, and then we had this whole dark lilac situation mixed in between this, I felt like it took away from this line up a little bit. So yeah, I'm ready to actually get to using these pins.

00:36:05 Brad

And we'll see. See how it goes. But I already know I love the pens, and I'm glad they did these colors. I think they're beautiful and good job. So let's see what the All Star can bring to the table this year, which we should know pretty soon. They, those usually. So they usually announce the safaris in February and the All Stars usually don't linger too much further behind, almost like may at the latest.

00:36:25 Brad

So we'll get to see the the All Star creations for 2024 here probably coming soon. It's probably All Star dark lilac. If I had to guess.

00:36:37 Myke

It's the same formulation.

00:36:40 Myke

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00:37:55 Myke

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00:38:17 Myke

Took a very important delivery at home today.

00:38:19 Myke

Brad, any Volt 12? It's not the electric one. So very exciting. The pizza weekend at home. We're getting these ingredients together which by the way would you also sell ingredients like on their website so if

00:38:22 Brad

Oh, nice. I can't wait.

00:38:32 Myke

Ohh, so you're not sure what you want. You maybe want some dough or you want some other recommendations for products you can buy? They they have all of that as well as like the accessories. You can also get groceries.

00:38:42 Myke

There too seeing go and check it out for yourself. I'm very excited. We're going to this Saturday is going to be dope.

00:38:46 Brad

Yeah, I think the below.

00:38:47 Myke

Pizza in our house.

00:38:48 Brad

Yeah, that was like the most experimental part of this whole thing. Trying to figure out how you're going to do it. We've always done lots of different things, so I'd.

00:38:55 Brad

Be interested what units offering for that.

00:38:57 Myke

Yeah, have to check it out. Yeah, yeah, stuff. Right. Like, exactly. So they, you know, they make bowls. They were shipped to you. You can put them in the freezer and then you can just, like, grab them to trust them when you're ready and you're ready to go.

00:39:08 Myke

So they have all of this stuff too it they really are like the one stop shop for making great pizza at home. Listeners of this show can get 10% off their purchase of an only pizza oven. Just go to and use the code pen addict 2024, check out uni. Pizza ovens are the best way to bring restaurant quality pizza to your home so go to

00:39:28 Myke use the code pen addict 2024 for 10% offer thanks to any pizza ovens for their support of this show and relay FM.

00:39:39 Brad

All right, Mike, let me.

00:39:41 Brad

Explain a little bit about what you're going to get into and why you're to get into this. Alright, so Mike and I are about to do something fun. At least I.

00:39:46 Myke

OK. Thank you. MMM.

00:39:51 Brad

Hope it's gonna.

00:39:51 Brad

Be fun. So I didn't really lose a bet with a pen addict member, but they had a little hiccup and you know, signing up for membership.

00:40:01 Brad

And you know, there's there's all kinds of, you know, set up sign up, things that things go weird, things go wrong. Whatever. So I fixed it for them.

00:40:10 Brad

And we'll call this person Rick because that's their name. So we got everything squared away.

00:40:14 Myke

Call him Rick.

00:40:16 Brad

We got everything squared away for Rick and he says, you know, you know, thanks for getting every everything squared away. Now this is what I require in return.

00:40:26 Brad

So I fixed.

00:40:27 Brad

This problem and then he has demands of me. It's like I'm in.

00:40:32 Brad

Been on this, he says. I have bought this goes into our uni ad read as well, which I didn't realize I have bought everything except underwear and pizza to support the show I deserve. I deserve this alright, says says I.

00:40:44 Myke

I don't like the precedent this is setting, but.

00:40:47 Brad

Just just wait the next one, the next sentence starts with I demand and he he put that in quotes. He was being funny on a soon to be episode that you and Mike each read the names of four to five Orochi Zuku inks. One of you is angry Samurai, the other is Hello Kitty.

00:40:51 Myke


00:41:06 Brad

First one to laugh loses. So my reply was.

00:41:10 Brad

OK, I will.

00:41:13 Brad

Accede to your demands, minus the voices. We're not going to do voices for this because it's going to go bad enough as it is. We don't need terrible voices for this. So I said I have an idea and this is my idea.

00:41:33 Brad

To kind of pay off what I owe Rick here with the Orochi Zoo coupon, pronunciation.

00:41:39 Brad

I thought you and I would have an Orochi, Zuku, Inc draft.

00:41:43 Myke


00:41:44 Brad

So there's 24 Rocha zuku inks. One of us will go first. We'll, I don't know, we'll flip a coin or or or roll roll. A James Thompson digital dice. You know, wanted one or two to see you goes 1st, and then we'll.

00:42:00 Brad

Just alternate.

00:42:00 Myke

I have a I have a pen addict membership. OK, sit in front of.

00:42:04 Brad

So let's see here which side is head so.

00:42:06 Myke

You should take the Macon, GA side.

00:42:09 Brad

So Macon, GA is IPIC 1st and then panic member. You pick first. Alright. Yep, go.

00:42:15 Myke

All right, ready.

00:42:18 Myke

Goes to me first.

00:42:20 Brad

OK, So what we're going to do, it's not going to be a snake style draft, which would mean I would pick twice next. We're just going to completely alternate. We'll alternate draft so.

00:42:31 Brad

Let me before.

00:42:32 Brad

We start this. Did you do any prep work?

00:42:34 Brad

No. Would you be surprised to know that?

00:42:38 Myke

I did. Of course you did. I don't see it. I mean, why would I do the prep work? I have the images in front of me. I'll just pick the ones I like. I know what ones I like. I know what ones I want, but I haven't tried them all, so I'll just go with what's left, you know.

00:42:52 Brad

So I have I have a full.

00:42:54 Brad

List ranking 1/3.

00:42:56 Brad

24 so we'll see how it goes. I'm I'm not. I'll be holding to it, but yeah, alright, you're Mike's up first and the pilot Orochi Zuku fountain pen. Ink draft. What are you? What's your first?

00:42:59 Myke


00:43:01 Myke


00:43:09 Brad

Round pick.

00:43:10 Brad

Fuyu gaki. Alright, there you go.

00:43:13 Myke

The best one?

00:43:14 Brad

Best one.

00:43:17 Myke

So it's.

00:43:18 Myke

Orange, just the orange one. Yeah, the the famous at this point.

00:43:22 Brad

Yes, famous Orange, which is why I was OK with going second because I was pretty sure like after after you got you all better off. Like I think I could probably pick your next thing based on.

00:43:35 Brad

What I'm about to pick.

00:43:37 Brad

But I was pretty.

00:43:37 Myke

Simon, by the way, that's how it's in English, I think. I don't know if these are direct translations, but these are translations for.

00:43:40 Brad

Yes. Yeah. So knowing that.

00:43:46 Brad

English names, yes, knowing that I'm going to go Shin Kai first should come as no surprise to anyone, which is why.

00:43:55 Brad

I didn't mind you going first. I felt like it would. It would be there for me in the second round now.

00:44:01 Myke

Deep sea.

00:44:03 Brad

Yeah, deep sea. So it's a it's Speaking of Blue blacks. It's a much more Moody.

00:44:11 Brad

Character filled blue, black and I already see you riding your neck, picking the doc.

00:44:18 Brad

But that's fine because that's what I would have picked for you.

00:44:22 Myke

Compagni compagni deep as your blue. This was my first versus zuku ink and I came to this ink because I was looking for something that was looked good but dried fast and that was how I ended up on.

00:44:37 Brad

Compacting. It's an amazing ink. What is? So this is a question I don't know.

00:44:42 Brad

The answer to what is the most popular Russian zuku ink and is it probably con pecky? I don't know.

00:44:49 Brad

That's a good question.

00:44:49 Myke

I'm on jet pens website right now. Mm-hmm. And it has the most user reviews.

00:44:56 Brad

OK. And if you sort you they have a sort 5 popularity?

00:44:56 Myke

But they have sought by.

00:44:58 Myke

Popularity, though, is a second to Turkey Zumi, which is black, which is.

00:45:05 Brad

That's that doesn't surprise me. Yeah, I mean, you throw.

00:45:08 Brad

Ooh, any choice of black ink out right. It's Black's always going to win. So it's generally #2. So yeah, I I'd say that's that's accurate alright.

00:45:19 Brad

My second pick is not a far reach from Shin Kai and maybe long term, maybe it's something I move even higher than Shinkai. I don't.

00:45:28 Brad

Think I will.

00:45:29 Brad

But sukyo.

00:45:31 Brad

I was late to the game on that one, and that might eventually be my #1 rush Zika ink. I don't know. It's hard to beat Shinkai. For me, sukyo is what I use in my namiki Milky Way exclusively. And it's just so perfect. It just it just means a lot to me.

00:45:50 Brad

As an egg, I think it's really cool.

00:45:51 Myke

Which one is this one I'm struggling.

00:45:53 Brad

So it is it.

00:45:54 Brad

Should be Peacock, maybe as.

00:45:56 Brad

It's listed.

00:45:57 Brad

So TSU, Ki, it's kind of like a it probably.

00:46:01 Brad

Looks like a blue-green.

00:46:01 Myke

Ohh moonlit night.

00:46:03 Brad

Moonlit night. OK. There you go. So not peak. A peacock's a different 1 Peacock is kujaku, which is another popular one.

00:46:04 Myke

Since you go.

00:46:09 Myke

Suki also ash. Yeah, I know we said this already, but I'm going to say it again. Obviously part of the reason we're doing this is because we're going to butcher these names, but we're trying our best, alright? We're trying our best. Yeah.

00:46:18 Brad

There's and what's what's sad is the Russia. Russia is you doinks.

00:46:25 Brad

Are much easier.

00:46:25 Brad

Pronouncing a lot of the other ones.

00:46:27 Myke

We have to. Yeah, I I think I find this easier than junk bond, to be honest. But maybe maybe that's a fool's errand here. Like, I think that it is, but it it isn't. I'm going to go with next Suji. Yeah. Which is Azalea.

00:46:31 Brad

Mm-hmm. Ohh for sure. Sure.

00:46:34 Brad

True, true. We're setting ourselves up.

00:46:45 Myke

It's kind of like a like a real saturated pink purplely color.

00:46:52 Brad

Yeah, that's a great one. Very popular.

00:46:55 Brad

So I'm going to get my orange here because I knew you weren't going to take it, so I felt safe leaving it for 3rd. You yucky. Clearly the best orange out.

00:47:04 Myke

Absolutely not, absolutely not. All right, let's be real. It isn't. And and my ones the best one.

00:47:06 Myke

It was you would.

00:47:07 Myke

Have picked it first round but.

00:47:09 Brad

No, it's the best orange. There's two oranges. There's two oranges. It's the number. It's the number one orange.

00:47:16 Myke

Also, again, if we're ranking by popularity, it's below for you gaki yes, so.

00:47:22 Brad

That doesn't surprise me for you. Gaki is a much stronger like vibrant ink.

00:47:29 Brad

Color. What is the yucky translation? I don't have these.

00:47:32 Brad

Pulled up probably.

00:47:32 Myke

Yaki is sunset.



00:47:37 Brad

And fugaku is persimmons. So you get a little bit more of the Reds and fugaku and you get a little bit more of the yellows and Yaki, which is what I my preference for. Oranges is more yellow based oranges as opposed to red based oranges.

00:47:51 Myke

Fair enough.

00:47:53 Myke

I'm gonna go next with my euro, which is sky. It's a. It's a nice blue.

00:48:00 Myke

It's a good blow.

00:48:02 Brad

Very underrated.

00:48:05 Brad

Roaches, you can. I'll probably say this about a lot of them. Yeah, being underrated. You don't hear a lot about. I'm at your own. But when people use it, I always go. Oh, yeah, that looks pretty spectacular.

00:48:16 Brad


00:48:19 Brad

I I have to choose yamabiko next between it and suit Suji, which you already picked. I think those are like the two best like kind of hot pinks. So what's the the name differences here? So CG is Azalea and.

00:48:21 Myke


00:48:38 Brad

Where is.

00:48:38 Myke

It. Which one did you?

00:48:40 Brad

Want Yamamoto is Crimson glory vine, which I'm not familiar with, that in real.

00:48:44 Brad

Life so OK.

00:48:45 Myke

Yeah. Wait. Yama budo? I see. Wild grapes. I don't understand.

00:48:49 Brad

Where are you? I'm looking at. This. One's on the pin. Shall I side. So, yeah, again we. If we take no claim to our pronunciation or our translation in this.

00:48:59 Myke

Yeah, the translation's got nothing to do with us. Where are we? Yamabuki O.

00:49:05 Brad

Yama Buddha for.

00:49:06 Myke

Me. Crimson glory vine.

00:49:09 Myke

I don't know, man.

00:49:10 Brad

I don't know.


I kind of.

00:49:12 Brad

Ohh like that. Crimson glory vine. I mean that. That could be. I mean, grapes or like, you know, that's the that's the glory fruit, right? You make the wine seems, I guess. Sure just.

00:49:19 Myke

Is it?

00:49:21 Myke

I'm going to go with an ink that I've never seen, but the image I like the color of hold Haru, B, or Hotarubi, which is yellow green, which I think maybe I wouldn't like in person, but I like the way it looks in these images.

00:49:35 Brad

So this is one of the newer inks, so this is the the most recent ones and I think this is the only one of the newer ones that actually reviewed. It's kind of nice like I I I am into it.

00:49:49 Brad

And you know it's it's one of those things I would want to use all the time.

00:49:54 Myke

Also known as light of fireflies.

00:49:54 Brad

But I I kind of like it.

00:49:58 Myke

Which is great. That's a great name.

00:49:59 Brad

That's very accurate.

00:50:01 Brad

That is very accurate, I think, to the color of that ink. So I'm actually going to choose one that I've never used and this is an oversight on my part because it's been recommended so many times. I have to go with Yamagami, which is kind of like a brown. It's called wild chestnut.

00:50:22 Brad

I have to.

00:50:25 Brad

I need to fix using this like this will be like one of the very next things I purchase just because I like brown inks and this always comes up on the list it it's a little darker than maybe with like a toffee brown right? It seems like it's got a little bit of darkness to it. Depth to it, so we'll see. We'll see but that's.

00:50:45 Brad

That is an interesting to me.

00:50:48 Myke

My next one is one that I'm surprised maybe isn't more popular, which is honey Carter, which is cherry blossom petal. It's a very light.

00:50:57 Myke

Pink, also known as flower raft of Japanese cherry.

00:51:04 Myke

I love these names, these names.

00:51:06 Myke

Fantastic. So yeah, that's that's my next one.

00:51:10 Brad

That's also one of the new ones. So it came out at the same time as Hotaru B, and I guess this is a good time. You wonder why it's not so popular. I did a quick calculation as I was looking through my.

00:51:12 Myke

Ah, no wonder.

00:51:23 Brad

List there are five different pink shades. What I would consider pink shades in a 24 sample set of.

00:51:31 Brad

Rustico inks, 5 Pinks, 5 Blues and five greens. So that's fifteen of the inks in like basically 3 categories of inks, so you know it's.

00:51:43 Brad

There's definitely some differences between these, but I think the pinks have the least amount of range. You know that you have your very hot pinks on one end, then you have like the hana cotta, like the very the light cherry blossom on the other end. So lots of lots of paintings in.

00:51:59 Brad

In here I am doing the opposite in going with one of the more popular ones in kujaku. So this is Peacock. It's like teeley green. Very, very popular ink. It's something I would use that often because I have some alternates that I use, like if I'm looking for this color, I generally what is it sailor?

00:52:19 Brad

Yamadori I think is is similar to this, so I tend to go for with that. But Kujaku is just a classic.

00:52:29 Myke

So that is, yeah, Peacock.

00:52:32 Myke

Yeah, OK. Trying to see if we have any other other names for it cause I'm.

00:52:37 Myke

Enjoying that right now.

00:52:37 Brad

Yeah, let's see. Nope. Also Peacock. So Yep.

00:52:40 Myke

Peacocks. Alright, so we're in the second-half of the draft now. It's probably where it's going to start to get.

00:52:44 Brad


00:52:47 Myke

More complicated, I'm going to go with Shin Ryoku.

00:52:48 Brad

Or falling asleep in anyones house.

00:52:56 Myke

Which is a deep green.

00:53:00 Brad

Yeah, that's a.

00:53:02 Brad

I'd say this this the most classic.

00:53:04 Brad

Yeah, this is the this. This is the one that I.

00:53:07 Brad

Would say yeah.

00:53:07 Myke

Forest Green or deep green?

00:53:09 Brad

So that's the most classic looking green. Like there's like I said, there's five greens in here as well. Like Kujaku, I classify in like the green green category as well should be yoku. Yes, this is green.

00:53:18 Myke

This this is green. You know what I mean? Like.

00:53:20 Myke

Yellow ones.

00:53:22 Myke

They they got something else going on, but this one is like this is this is. This is green, right? Like Peacock is a little bit bluey. There's a couple like light fireflies is like a bit yellowy. This is just like.

00:53:35 Myke

This is a green screen, you.

00:53:37 Brad

Know. Yeah. So I'm going to go with another green here in the bamboo forest. Chikurin. I think this is the third new one out of the three new ones. 3 new variants.

00:53:48 Myke


00:53:50 Brad

It's a little bit.

00:53:52 Brad

Darker than the hotel will be.

00:53:55 Brad

And I don't know. I think it's a unique shade, a unique color I kind.

00:53:59 Brad

Of like it a lot.

00:54:00 Myke

I don't like it. It's a little bit ***** to me like I'm not. Yeah, I'm not into it.

00:54:03 Brad

Yeah, I would. I would choose this over obviously and given my draft, I would choose this over the Hotaru for sure.

00:54:12 Myke

Alright, my next one, I'm going for a grey seal gun, OK?

00:54:15 Brad

Which one though?

00:54:19 Myke

Old man winter.

00:54:19 Brad

I think that's the most popular. Yeah, I think that's the most popular.

00:54:22 Brad

Of the Grays, yeah.

00:54:24 Brad

There is another.

00:54:25 Myke

Choice, also known rigour of winter. I love these name differences, so we're looking at name differences between Pan Chalet and jet pens. That's where we're looking. Yeah. And I don't know, maybe one is like a literal translation, I don't know. But this is. I like rigor of winter more than old man, old man.

00:54:44 Brad

Winter old man winter. Alright, so I'm next.

00:54:49 Brad

I have to.

00:54:52 Brad

Follow the wisdom of the crowds here in the sort by popularities. Mike. I gotta go with.

00:54:56 Brad

Kasumi, I know, but no, there's nothing wrong with a good black, and this one's pretty good every now and then. Like black. Just black just hits, right? And you want a good black ink to use with your pens and talk.

00:54:58 Myke

There should have been final round.

00:55:12 Brad

Me is a good one.

00:55:15 Myke

All right, I'm going for Murasaki Shikibu Shikibu Morisaki Shikibu. This is a kind of purply ink, also known as lady is the same thing, which is a lot of fun. What else have we got? Or Japanese beauty Berry?

00:55:27 Myke

This is.

00:55:33 Brad

OK, this is the one I had the hardest time with. I could have taken this way earlier.

00:55:38 Brad

Or way later. I don't know. It's a it's a good purple, right? But it's kind of their only purple, which is is weird given.

00:55:44 Brad

The given the.

00:55:46 Myke

It depends what your class is purple. I mean I would kind of call since Zuji and yamabuki to have purplish tones.

00:55:55 Brad

Yeah, they're. They're that magenta range.

00:55:55 Myke

To me. But.

00:55:57 Myke

But this is like like how we have greens green. This is purple, purple like this is just like bang.

00:56:02 Myke

You can't miss it.

00:56:04 Brad

Yeah. So this is where it starts getting weird. I'm going to take Momiji here, which is autumn leaves, but I do find this to be more pinker than autumn leaves, even though they want to like by name, want it to be more red.

00:56:16 Brad

I have used this. This is this is more like that Apple red to me. Maybe not like a fire engine red but I I do like the sink.

00:56:25 Myke

Momiji does it have a different name?

00:56:28 Brad

Let's see. So I've got autumn leaves and I've got OK, just autumn.

00:56:31 Myke

Yeah. Autumn leaves. Autumn leaves is the name. This is very red. Depending on the image, like on pen shell.

00:56:38 Brad

That's what I think too.

00:56:38 Myke

Right. Looks it looks red like.

00:56:40 Myke

Yeah. Which I guess you would kind of expect for a leaf more like maybe?

00:56:44 Brad

Right. But like in some of the pictures, it looks pink and I don't classify that with autumn leaves. I think it is more red in person. I have. I have the bottle of this and I use it pretty regularly and it's it's definitely more. It's more like a.

00:56:56 Brad

Like a traditional apple red and you know, I don't know if it gets in that Persimmon color, but it's it's definitely more of an apple, like an apple skin, red, like a gala or whatever. Yeah. What the regular apples are called.

00:57:07 Myke

I'm going with ASA Gao. Yeah. Morning Glory, which is just another kind of like, quite deep blue, like a royally.

00:57:16 Myke

Glow kind of. Look, I think, I think that'd be.

00:57:19 Brad

Pretty good. Yeah. Again, just like the pinks and me picking. You know, a reddish pink. These the Blues? There's just a lot of them. And one of them's got to be like towards the bottom. And it doesn't mean.

00:57:32 Brad

Like that, a lot of people love the asagao, so that's a good one.

00:57:38 Brad

What am I doing here? We're getting down towards the end.

00:57:41 Brad

It's harder to pick.

00:57:42 Myke

Yeah, it's getting hard now.

00:57:43 Brad

I'm gonna take where is it?

00:57:52 Brad

I have my list but I don't see it here.

00:57:56 Brad

OK, there it is. There it is. This one's interesting. I think this this might actually be one of the newer colors and not the chicken. I think it actually might be this one Co row is pine tree do.

00:58:09 Brad

It's an interesting green. I would like to test this one.

00:58:14 Brad


00:58:16 Brad

It's I can't quite figure it out. Just like by images alone.

00:58:20 Brad

But I think this would be an interesting along with like the wild chestnut one that I was talking about before to try and test out and see what it's like. It's it's it's pretty much green, but it has these kind of maybe grayish undertones, so I don't know. I'll have to figure that one out.

00:58:39 Myke

Oh, we've only got like 4 left, right?

00:58:43 Brad

1234 Yes, it's good so far. The one I have last, neither one of us have picked yet. So I think that's pretty telling at this point.

00:58:53 Myke

I'm I'm going to go. I'm going to go back to the well here and I'm going to go with Cozmo Musu.

00:58:59 Brad

Yeah, that's actually what I had.

00:59:00 Myke

Which is.

00:59:00 Myke

Next full cherry blossom. So just more. Yes, cherry blossom.

00:59:03 Brad

A lot of pinks, there's honestly there. When I got through doing this, I was like, there's really not a lot of variation here in the in the pinks. I don't believe I.

00:59:13 Myke

Also known as Cosmos, it is very different, very different between those two.

00:59:21 Brad

So I'm going to take the other Gray here, which is Kerry same or it's probably like Keri, some, something like that.

00:59:28 Myke

Yeah, I think that might have been the first time you you really messed up there. I feel like your second attempt is probably better.

00:59:28 Brad

I've only.

00:59:31 Brad

Yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely. But when you look at it real quick, so this one as opposed to old Man Winter, this one is misty.

00:59:39 Myke

Rain. I've got Scotch mist.

00:59:42 Brad

Scotch mist. Nice. Nice. So light lighter than for you. So gun.

00:59:51 Brad

I2 inks.

00:59:53 Myke

Left, I don't even know what we've got left.

00:59:57 Brad

So I know one where's the other?

00:59:59 Brad

One so we.

00:59:59 Brad

Have sui.

01:00:03 Brad

Yoku, which is a green.

01:00:06 Brad

And then we have ajisai, which is the light purple.

01:00:11 Brad

Hydrangea and the other one is emerald green.

01:00:16 Myke

So was there one ajisai?

01:00:19 Brad

Yeah, I decide. Is the light purple called hydrangea and then Sui yoku is emerald green.

01:00:26 Myke

I'm gonna take ajisai.



01:00:31 Brad

That's the one I had last. It just seems the least interesting like these two aren't flat.

01:00:32 Myke


01:00:34 Myke

It they are just seems like.

01:00:35 Myke

Very interesting to me at all.

01:00:37 Brad

Yeah. And three yoku guy that might that one might be the hardest to say. If I'm going with that color, I'm going to pick the four screen, right, the, the Shin Ryoku right. Like I think like I'm just not going to choose this like it's so close.

01:00:50 Brad

Emerald, so yeah, and then the algicide just does nothing. It just looks like washed out blue to me. So it's probably it's a light purple, you know, maybe in person it looks great, but like, just looking at these images, like trying to draft off the off the images here, I had that one was like the least interesting to me by a pretty long shot.

01:01:12 Myke

I hope this was worth it.

01:01:15 Brad

I mean, it was for me because now I'm actually gonna go buy at least one of these things, if not two, but.

01:01:21 Brad

It was it.

01:01:21 Brad

Was fun. It was a a fun little fun little draft. I figured it wasn't. It was enough variants here to get a lot of different things and have some conversations about the inks and not too long without us being bored to death like the last couple. Yeah.

01:01:33 Brad

They were tough.

01:01:34 Brad

Because there's a lot of redundant, the more I looked at it, the more I felt, oh, there's a lot of redundancy in this lineup for.

01:01:40 Myke

Thank you.

01:01:41 Brad

For an ink SO24 ink, sounds like a lot. But when you look at other ink lineups these days, it's like, yeah, it's not that much like you should have a good spread over 24 inks and they have a.

01:01:51 Brad

Lot of overlap? Umm in their 24 inks I find and probably have a lot of.

01:01:59 Brad

You know, just inks that are just the eating up the the the usage of other inks because they're so similar, so.

01:02:07 Brad

Interesting to see. Interesting to see. So if you have a favorite Orochi, Zuku, Inc Mike and you want to participate or tell us your top three or five Orochi Zika inks, maybe you wanna go all 24. How can people tell us? How can people get in touch and let us know how terrible our pronunciations were? And also what their favorites are are.

01:02:26 Myke

You should do is you go to pen addict.

01:02:29 Myke where you can ask us your questions and send in your feedback and follow up about the episode right there. If you would like.

01:02:36 Myke

Blue. You can also find Brad Online. He is pen addict PENAWI don't need to say spell. Pen addict. Sure, he's pen addicts online. You can find him wherever you want to find him. I am I Mike. I am why KE Brad Streams 3 * a week over at addict and you can find his work at Pen and.

01:02:43 Brad

Fanatics, yeah.

01:02:56 Myke

These products over at you can find me here on Relay FM and at Thank you so much to Uni and Pen Chalet for their support of this week's episode and till next time say goodbye Brad.

01:03:11 Brad

Goodbye, Brad.