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Speaker 2: Goodbye Brett.
Speaker 2: Goodbye Brett.
[[Category:Podcast Transcripts]]

Latest revision as of 16:18, 2 August 2018

Speaker 0: To wrap up on a couple of us EPA.

Speaker 2: Yes so we actually have a bunch that I put in this doc and we're not gonna get.

Speaker 0: All of them today but.

Speaker 2: I'm gonna put in dependence on the spot next week with the rest of these asked EPA so we don't get to so.

Speaker 0: Yeah I'm not going to be on next week's episode.

Speaker 2: Some might won't be here next week but Mike will so.

Speaker 0: Recovery from Mike flute please don't do it and the ball yes you can.

Speaker 2: So yeah let's hit a few of these and then we'll save the rest for next week.

Speaker 0: Because I'm.

Speaker 2: I'm have a lot to talk to us Mr independence about so.

Speaker 2: What's it this one from Liz real quick is there such a thing as a good medium bold fountain pen for someone who's writing is a real small and cramped my dad can't stand a fine point and he has tiny writing.

Speaker 0: But I would love to find him a fountain pen.

Speaker 2: So this is kind of like an impossible question but I do think there's an answer.

Speaker 0: You want.

Speaker 2: A farm nearby right so you don't what about you wanna buy a steel near Penn.

Speaker 0: That.

Speaker 2: From a company that is known to have firm nibs.

Speaker 0: Arm.

Speaker 2: You could even do a gold if you did sailor like hard nips.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2: But like something like a pelican gold nab would be a terrible idea.

Speaker 2: For having a wide line but still consistently write small so you want to look at something like two is because I think has very firm nibs for the width of the pens.

Speaker 0: Arm.

Speaker 2: Pilots steel nibs you know you can get a great medium that that's a wonderful writer.

Speaker 0: You know even in the.

Speaker 2: In the pilot metropolitan I think those are kind of the two I would look I would look at for a wider near that still gonna give you some control for writing small so that that's where I would start.

Speaker 2: Sarah asked does your daughter have a pen pencil notebook picked out for tracking auction prices so that was not I I've talked about it a million times that was one of the highlights of our trip to Raleigh last year was the auction because the first time I'd sat through one and my daughter ended up loving it like I thought she would last like five minutes and she ended up never wanting to leave so she does not yet so we're gonna work on that today we're gonna pick it out.

Speaker 0: Out her.

Speaker 2: For.

Speaker 0: This trip mulching kit panda.

Speaker 2: The auction kit so we'll get that taken care of today and we'll make sure will be posted on Instagram what she's gonna use but you'll probably track and they provide a.

Speaker 0: Tracking sheet actually.

Speaker 2: So you get a print out when you go to the all right list all the lots in the opening bid in the ending bids and if they have a reserve social track on there but she will pick out her pen and pencil to.

Speaker 0: To use for her option kit.

Speaker 2: So Alan wants to know what tool method do you use to get notified of new pen and stationery content on the web Google works alerts doesn't seem to work for me Google alerts is really sketchy I use it some but I'm a hardcore RSS person.

Speaker 0: I am.

Speaker 2: A big feed reader.

Speaker 0: You know I am one of the.

Speaker 2: Biggest backers of.

Speaker 0: Any.

Speaker 2: RSS service just because it makes my life easier it makes my work easier how do you.

Speaker 2: Follow this Mike I mean one of the good ideas is to follow some blogs like well appointed task in the German stationer and gourmet pens to post links every year.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 2: So I mean every week so you can get every year that be.

Speaker 0: A long time to be a big post.

Speaker 2: So every week they'll post a grouping.

Speaker 2: Of say twenty or thirty links.

Speaker 0: To.

Speaker 2: Content that they enjoyed this week so that's one way I personally just and I bring in those.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2: Thanks to those articles through RSS that's the way I guess is there any other option you could recommend.

Speaker 0: A just voted her accounts at night and I had to use RSS them I don't use any type of news aggregation service is just what I see on Twitter and I'm not even a tweet completion and says things that I know the things I miss but I kind of got over that awhile ago.

Speaker 2: Yes so Twitter you can create lists so I don't have one now but I used to have like a stationary list and you can just put in feeds from the blogs and things like that like I have a separate.

Speaker 2: Twitter account that's pen underscore addict that is only the RSS feed.

Speaker 0: From the blog.

Speaker 2: So you subscribe to that you see every.

Speaker 0: All the content that.

Speaker 2: I create and then you can make a list of all the other you know blogs and bloggers and just.

Speaker 0: You know.

Speaker 2: Toward people who you want to follow and learn about this except.

Speaker 2: I am off all aboard the RSS train Choo Choo.

Speaker 0: And hopefully does not.

Speaker 2: Go away.

Speaker 0: Anytime soon.

Speaker 2: Alright I'm gonna hit one more Mike which is a combination of three questions and more rapid on this animal save everything to next week because we are in that gift giving time of year.

Speaker 0: And I get a lot of questions on that.

Speaker 2: With graduation happening so first one Brian Hamilton what's the best gift to give somebody that you're trying to get into fancy pens second one from the where ninja what Penn would you give us a congratulatory Lee congratulatory gift for a librarian who just got a great new job and third one from dot crawled I got a couple friends and trying to buy a proper pen wedding present for what's a good gift for a jazz trumpet player in a left handed fat that's very specific dot crowd I love you for that this will be their first nice pen.

Speaker 0: Experiences.

Speaker 2: Cartridge preferred so I lumped all those together because you're kind of talking in the same.

Speaker 0: Grouping.

Speaker 2: Of answers for all three of these questions outside of the jazz trumpet player who if you can afford it dot crowd Mont Blanc has a wonderful Miles Davis addition you should look into so that would be a pretty amazing.

Speaker 2: Pretty basic gift.

Speaker 0: But.

Speaker 2: As far as the best gift to give someone that you're trying to get into fancy pens.

Speaker 2: It depends right it like I love the two is B. ego and the pilot metropolitan but I'm kinda probably not giving that for a gift ban like I'm probably going to like the lobby studio.

Speaker 2: Something that's a little bit nicer but doesn't break the bank you know the steel mill blobby studios are like seventy eighty dollars they look beautiful they write really well I prefer the finer nodes on those like I stick with extra fine only those are really good.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2: Then you can depending on your budget you can you can go up from there.

Speaker 0: And to.

Speaker 2: You know a whole world of pens between one hundred and two hundred dollars but I think like the best quality from someone who has has no idea.

Speaker 2: About a pen you can get some really nice lobby pens even if it's not a fountain pen the lobby two thousand rollerball and ballpoint a real good the ball mommy bought two thousand ball point is one of my favorite ball points and it was like sixty seventy dollars fantastic pen.

Speaker 2: For the library and I read.

Speaker 2: I wanna say pocket vanishing point and I don't know why I think it's just a good utility pen to take all around the library take notes as you're walking around it's got that retractable field but that mate that's not really a pen.

Speaker 0: For.

Speaker 2: Everyone that's not a pen for someone who's just getting in.

Speaker 0: To fountain pens.

Speaker 2: Maybe one of the lower end pelicans with the steel nibs like the the two hundred two of five series.

Speaker 0: Arm.

Speaker 2: For the librarian something like that or you can if your budget allows for getting something like really neat and cool like a Frank and Christoph.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2: You know beryl something like that.

Speaker 0:

Speaker 2: You know.

Speaker 0: I have.

Speaker 2: You got any suggestions for the library and I.

Speaker 0: I'm not totally sure.

Speaker 0: Not one of my problems here is that with these questions I feel like I am.

Speaker 0: I don't recommend things as widely as you like my recommendations typically seem to be very.

Speaker 0: Similar these days right yeah because I have.

Speaker 0: Yeah I feel like I can make a bunch of recommendations but I mean I don't really feel like I have anything specific for this one like I I just don't really think that I have something that can can really help.

Speaker 2: Yeah because I keep looking at the lobby studios even for doc crowd because they make a piano black of mommy studio that's got this great polished black barrel.

Speaker 0: Which would be.

Speaker 2: Great for maybe the trumpet player.

Speaker 0: Even though maybe even the left hander I.

Speaker 2: You know it's really really hard like without a budget what do you classify as a nice pen you know is.

Speaker 0: Are we talking like.

Speaker 2: A rector fifty one in like roller ball like that's an extraordinarily nice pen for a lot of people are we talking about like a lobby studio in the eighty dollar range are we looking at like a pilot custom nine twelve that's like two hundred dollars that's just a beautiful like wedding present and so it's this if the super tricky to answer these questions that's why I kind of wanted to talk through and a lot of my answers to the same like I really recommend the lobby studio a lot for gifts because it it takes a lot of boxes for gift expectations.

Speaker 0: Right.

Speaker 2: Bike you're probably not gonna go wrong if that's kind of thing you want to do.

Speaker 0: Yeah I agree I agree I I was trying to write my brain for like something that I feel would be designed specific like for a librarian they can I think of a pen that has words on it or something yeah right and I call reporting of anything.

Speaker 2: Well like some of the rector fifty ones like the rector fifty one cursive or some of the literature fifty one like metal Smith historic type things those would be great for librarians almond they make fountain pen models of those as well so you know that's a that's kind of a cool like theme theme look if you will so yeah it really just depends like it's super hard to answer these questions so that's why I I lump them all together just to go through and give a few ideas out so you know and if you're back in and also it's very budget dependent right under.

Speaker 0: One hundred dollars is one category.

Speaker 2: One hundred to two hundred dollars is like a million different types of pens like it would be impossible to narrow down.

Speaker 0: You know.

Speaker 2: But there's good stuff everywhere and I'm glad to help you out so if you have very few want to get even more specific.

Speaker 0: On those answers where can I find me Mike you can send tweets to Brad he's at down the ism on Twitter Bosi consenting questions to us with the hashtag asked EPA and they'll go into a spreadsheet for us to pick later.

Speaker 0: You can also find us on our shyness is where you'll find a bunch of Michigan a related offenses pan addict slash three one zero for today Shannon's bridal so on Instagram he's pen addict I am I Mike I am like a evil social networks you can find Brett's amazing products over it knocked out cold and I want to extend our thanks again to a way for the support of this episode and all of course thank you for listening I'll be back in two weeks prior to weave that next week the special guest until then say goodbye Brett.

Speaker 2: Goodbye Brett.